We export dry cassava leaves, chips, pellets, cassava meal, flour and starch and ethanol. Cassava is used mainly for producing animal feed. The dry roots chips and pellets are usually preferred by industrial animal feeds producers in America and Europe. Alcohol is also extracted from cassava. Textile industries and food industries need starch. Tanzania is among major producer of these tropical crops with output conservatively put at over 80, 000 metric tons as the end of 2012.
Apart from Tanzania, other major tropical developing countries that produce cassava include Nigeria, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia and Zaire. Europe is the major importer of cassava for animal production. Animal production being the main attraction of Agriculture in Europe, accounted for about 70 per cent of total agricultural output.
Apart from Tanzania, other major tropical developing countries that produce cassava include Nigeria, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia and Zaire. Europe is the major importer of cassava for animal production. Animal production being the main attraction of Agriculture in Europe, accounted for about 70 per cent of total agricultural output.